Here I create glazes in disposable jars with acrylic paint to use them to paint abstract on paper. A glaze is a very diluted acrylic paint that creates very fascinating pigment structures on the paper. This is because the large amount of water causes the acrylic paint to break down into pigments that once was the origin of the paint. This pigment structure on the transparent color surface is being created here. The glazes can leave surprising color lines on the paper after they have dried. The unusual amount of water plays an essential role in the surprising results, which cannot be planned. Whether the composition will be good can only be judged after it has dried, which is why this is in the first place simply about experimentation.
©Janka Stemmle
Video (00:21min) produced by Girts Apskalns
Open Studio Zürich 2021
Robin's coffee Zürich 2022

⇾ My next face-to-face GLAZES Workshop will be from spring 2024 at PaintEvents and in total there were three GLAZES Workshop on the 14th of June, 12th of April and 1st of February 2023 at PaintEvents


